Saturday, November 10, 2012

Forget your weakness. Strengthen your strengths.

You are gifted! Because you have lots of strengths. Those activities which you can do with ease. It can be anything. Playing a sport, or some form of art like singing, dancing, painting etc. Or it can be the ability to socialize. Or maybe public speaking. Everyone have at least one strength. But what to do if you have a strength? You have to strengthen them. Make them a part of your identity. Of-course its far better trying to get improved at something you are good at than learning something cool but not one of your strengths. Take Tiger Woods for example. Had he focused on some other sport say football, could he reach the position that he is? Of-course not. He focused on golf, a natural strength of him. And that is why he could be the no. 1 in golf today. 
Great people always concentrate on their strengths. They work every second trying to improve them. So focus on your strengths. Improve them. And forget your weakness. Because your strengths will out shadow your weaknesses.
People will remember you for your strengths and not your weakness.

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