Saturday, November 3, 2012

Put a leash on TIME

In life you will have lots of dreams and hopes. Things that matter the most to you. An average human being live for about 75 years. That is like some 657000 hours. Seems like there is a very long time for you. About 168 hours a week. But you spend approx. 7 hours on sleep, 9 hours on work and about 4 hours a day for talking, eating, attending calls, in the toilet etc everyday. See whats left. Just 28 hours a week. There is like a very little you time - the time for yourself. Time when you can do your hobbies, you can spent with your family and friends. This is where time management comes into picture. Every one has the same amount of time. 24 hours per day. But smart and successful people knows how to manage time. This effective time management can help you, make your life easy for you, stress free. Here I am going to introduce some of the techniques in time management. 

What you gain if you could manage time?

You will have more time to yourself. And think about all the things that you can do with the extra time that you earn. You can learn a new language. Go to the gym and work out. Or you can even travel and visit more places.
Another advantage of time management is that by organizing your life better, you are getting free from stress. No more worries about getting late to work or not having time to complete your tasks for the day. You will not be working harder. You will be working smarter. Working more efficiently.
With time management you can get your job done easily and in a short time. You are becoming a better planner of your life. Your life will move smoothly, with problems and headaches reduced to much extend.

How to manage time?

Managing time is a challenging tasks. You will now be introduced to some of the simple and easy methods to manage time.
Prioritize your goals: You will have so many things to do. But what is important is to do the relevant things at the right time. If you prioritize your goals you will be making the most use of time. More important things should be done first. Organizing like that would ensure that even if something is left incomplete it will be the least important. There are several aids like MS Outlook that help you to order up your tasks. Make the most of them.
To-Do list: Having a to do list is a simple thing, but once you practice that you will definitely see the difference. You'll know what to do. It can be computerized. Or even in a remainder pad.
Scheduling: After you have prioritized your goals and made a to do list the next thing is to make a schedule. Here you write down, the time you will spent working on the goal alongside it. It should be a little flexible too. Because you never know when something unexpected turn up.
Setting goals: When you have a clear picture of what all you have to do, or desire to achieve, you will feel more motivated, you will begin to work according to a plan. Setting goals makes sure that all your actions are for something that matters to you. None of your efforts go wasted. Its important to make sure that your goals SMART.
S - Specific
M - Measurable
A - Achievable
R - Relevant
T - Time Bound
We will come into more about in upcoming posts.
Limiting Distractions: You would have found that your concentration wanders from the work at hand at least. Distractions could be of various types. It could be a phone call, an email, spending time online, a visitor etc. We cannot totally avoid distraction. What is possible to do is to keep a specific time when you will deal with them. If you are in middle of some work and the phone rings, just take it and reply politely that you are busy and that you would call back. But make sure you call back and apologize. They wont feel bad about that if you could give them the right reason. Remember that the most important thing to you at the moment is that you achieve your goals. And that starts from doing the job in time.

Now of course, you can be from a different background. A homemaker, a student, or a business man or any thing else. But the principles of time management remain the same for all. You just have to figure out the appropriate plan for you. And stick with the plan. You cant change everything in a day. But make sure you get motivated and try to improve each day. All the best! 

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